Many women complain about their large and heavy breasts but are afraid of considering surgery. Yet, breast surgery is a painless, quick, effective and rewarding surgery. Breast reduction surgery has many benefits, both physical and psychological, for patients with large breasts. Their quality of life is highly improved.
This information sheet is issued by Dr. Vincent Nguyen, board-certified plastic surgeon in Paris, familiar with breast reduction surgery. It provides all the information about the surgery, scars, recovery, before and after comparison photographs, Social Security coverage and the costs of breast reduction surgery.
What is mammary hypertrophy?
Breast hypertrophy is the condition of having abnormally large breasts that are not in harmony and proportion to the patient’s overall figure. It is usually associated with drooping breasts, or mammary ptosis, and sometimes with a mammary asymmetry.
Mammary hypertrophy often has a psychological impact on patients who lack self-confidence. It may also cause considerable physical and functional problems and pain in the neck, back and shoulder. Physical activities, sport and even clothing fit may be issues for women with breast hypertrophy.
When can patients consider breast reduction surgery?
Patients may consider breast reduction surgery at any age, sometimes even as teenagers.
What’s the goal of breast reduction surgery?
The goal of breast reduction surgery is to reduce the size and the weight of heavy breasts but also to address ptosis and asymmetry, to create breasts more in proportion and harmony with the patient’s body (size, height and symmetry). The breasts are reduced but also uplifted and reshaped.
The final result is visible after a year but the physical and functional change is immediate as soon as the first dressing is removed. Can I breastfeed after breast reduction surgery? For future pregnancies, breastfeeding may be possible but it depends on the amount of glandular tissue that was removed. It is advised to wait at least 6 months after the surgery before becoming pregnant.
Where are the scars after breast reduction surgery?
The procedure involves 3 scars (see pictures):
Can I breastfeed after breast reduction surgery?
In most cases patients may breastfeed. However, after a major reduction with severe ptosis, it may be difficult, even impossible, to breastfeed.
Does breast reduction surgery affect breast and nipple sensitivity?
The lower part of the breast may be hyposensitive or insensitive for a year after the surgery.
As far as the areola is concerned, it may not get its sensitivity back especially in cases of hypertrophy and severe ptosis.